Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's time for another round of "I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't believe it for myself"

Ok everyone, it's time for another round of "I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it for myself". Can you hear the game show announcer's voice when you read that? I do - :) Well, Prince Charming knows that I like to take the scenic routes, back roads, the tourist route - whatever you call it - and that's usually when we find the best stuff like great garage sales, beautiful scenery, and sometimes things that make you appreciate everything that you have in life. So, let me tell you a little bit about these pictures. The giraffe is north of the town I live in out in the country and (obviously) in front a barn - why is it there? So many people want to know and we just cant find the answer. Then there's the sling shot picture. This was southwest of North Salem and it was even featured on Across Indiana. Sadly the tree has been removed but the memory lives on. The Weight Watcher/Baskin Robbins picture was in San Antonio. Prince Charming was there for work and at the time I was doing weight watchers and he thought this was hilarious. Anyone that has done weight watchers (or any diet) knows that this just isn't right! Oh the temptation - chocolate chip, mint chocolate chip, cookie dough, chocolate peanut butter - do you see a pattern here? The butterfly picture is from the White River Gardens in Indianapolis. There were several butterly trivia signs posted and this was too funny not to share.

Next is the Harley church in Attica. At one time this was a church, then it was an antique store, now it has something to do with Harleys. Prince Charming liked the picture - thought it was interesting hells angels at heavens gate. Last is the toilet. Everytime Prince Charming and I see a toilet in a yard, by the end of a driveway, or at a garage sale, we think of our friend (she shall remain nameless to protect her identity) that thinks they are so tacky. We do too, but for some reason we think of her (ok, there is a reason but that too shall remain in the deep dark recesses of our minds). Anyway, Prince Charming saw this lovely sight by Lafayette and couldn't resist sharing it.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Wow. These are awesome. Every single picture. I'm cracking up at them all. Thanks for sharing.

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