Friday, January 8, 2010

Fit Friday - Finding Your Motivation

Welcome to Fit Friday.  Last week we covered some basic good health guidelines and now we need to talk about one more piece to the puzzle - MOTIVATION.  The definition of motivation is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or interest that causes a specific action or certain behavior.

I've been thinking lately about my inspiration and motivation to get in shape and lead a healthier lifestyle.  Most recently it is to feel better physically.  I've had alot of problems with my knees during the last year and exercise hasn't always been easy or I haven't been able to exercise at all.  Another motivator is to look better in my clothes - I tend to carry extra weight around my middle (now I know why it's called a spare tire).  Another motivator is that I just feel better

There are all kinds of things that can motivate you to stay focused and reach your goals.  The key is to find what works for you even if it changes from time to time.  I've always heard that keeping a journal or food diary is very helpful.  Exercising with a family member, friend, or co-worker is also another great way to stay motivated and encouraged.  These are some of my top motivators:

*  Pictures from when I was at my goal weight.
*  Finding some good recipes to try.  Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger has some good recipes to try.
*  Talking to friends about our exercise routines.  I need some variety in my routine or else I get very bored!  Check out Collage Video if you are looking for something new.
*  A kind word from my husband or my boys.  Encouraging words can be so uplifting, especially when they come from someone special :)
*  Reading other people's stories of success and failure.  There is so much to be learned from others! I like watching The Biggest Loser, reading Prevention, Shape Magazine, and Weight Watchers.   I also saw a blurb about DHC National Body Challenge - check it out here.
*  Sometimes it's nice to have an exercise buddy.  Last summer I would ride with Roxana and it made the miles not seem so long.  Can't wait to hit the road again this summer.
*  Seeing results of my hard work!

So, take some time to figure out what your motivation is.  Find a picture, a quote, a favorite outfit - search the net for one article or story that will stick with you, something that will keep you focused on reaching your goal. 

Yes, in our dream world, we would all be thin like one of those Hollywood starlettes, but it's not all about being thin - it's all about your health.

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Very well put Pam! I would have to say the support from loved ones is my biggest motivational factor.

I'm liking this Fit Friday blog you're doing! Keep doing it! Please...and thank you! :)

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